To see your father in your dream, symbolizes authority and protection. It suggests that you need to be more self-reliant. Consider also your waking relationship with your father and how aspects of his character may be incorporated within yourself.
To see others vomiting in your dream, signifies false pretenses of people who try to take advantage of you.
To see blood in your dream, represents life, love, and passion as well as disappointments. To dream that others are bleeding, signifies an emotional cry for help.
To dream that you feel fear, indicates that your achievements will not be as successful as you had anticipated. You are experiencing anxieties in various aspects of your life. The key to overcoming your fear is to discuss them and deal with them openly.
To dream that you are watching something, represents you lack of initiative to take a position or to take action. It could reflect upon your real life and how you are watching life pass you by, instead of participating it it. You need to take more of an initiative on things. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes your neutrality in some situation. You do not want to take a side. The dream may also be a metaphor warning you to "watch it!"
To dream that you are immobile, signifies feelings of being trapped or that you are rigid in your attitudes and decisions.
To see a painting in your dream, represents your need for self-expression. The painting is symbolic of your intuition and inner realizations.
To dream that you are an artist painting a picture, signifies your creative and intuitive side of your character. The picture that you are painting in your dream may symbolize the way that you are visualizing your current situation in your waking life.
Purple is indicative of devotion, healing abilities, loving, kindness, and compassion. It is also the color of royalty, high rank, and dignity.
To dream that you are singing in a choir, symbolizes spiritual harmony and balance. It also refers to your ability to work and cooperate with others.
Spending the end of Valentine's night with friends at a bar and discussing penis mutilation is a win!
I have ultimately realized that every person I have ever shared a bed with [whether it be lover or friend] is not only right handed, but all sleep on the left side of the bed. This works for me because I prefer the right side of the bed. But I'm now tying that to handedness. I'm sure it has something to do with it. I literally thought about every person that I have shared a bed with in the last 6 years, and it has been the case every time. It kind of blows my mind. This next thought may be harder to prove because I do not know for sure which side of the body that each individual prefers to sleep on. I generally start out one way and end another but generally prefer sleeping on my right side. I can think of a handful of these people that I've shared a bed with that usually sleep on their left side. So, in turn, I will conclude that it is possible that people prefer to sleep on the side that leaves their dominant hand/arm free to roam. Now, this, as maybe trivial to some, is very interesting to me, so let me know your sleeping habits and if you think I'm completely wrong. Of course I'm not implying this to everyone, but it at least applies to the large group of people that I have had the experience with.
It is interesting as much as I am actually grateful for it, that I have literally ALWAYS been single on Valentine's day.
And now to some amazing Valentine's Failbooking. Oh yes.

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