see more Epic Fails
New Years was yet again another memorable one for me. I had a great time and spent it with awesome people. Riding a bicycle for the first time in a few years, drunk, is not such a great idea. I'm paying for it now. But, whatever, I had fun and I have a story...and a limp.
I have another confession, I like Kelly Clarkson. I actually do. I enjoy her songs.
I had several dreams throughout the morning. One involved me walking around naked a bit too much in a home filled with a large Spanish family with whom I lived with. Only one person of the family was familiar to me, he currently works in a grocery store next to my work and is my coworkers nephew. But a special friend of mine was in this dream and lived in this house as well. Him and I never get privacy so we were constantly being caught doing things together. Hence, my walking around naked. They all finally arranged for us to have time alone in one of the rooms where none of them will bother us. I believe I woke up quite shortly after that.
The dream that my alarm clock had directly woken me up from is kind of jumbled in my mind now but I do know that a man was chasing me out in the woods, very distinctive woods actually. Not even realistic and not even green in color. I think I was in some sort of military force along with several others. But I was hiding behind a tree stump right when the guy noticed me, who is holding a gun. Then I was awake. It wasn't as scary as some dreams I've had, only slightly intense but I was quite confident that I was going to beat this guy so it was not much of a worry.
I saw Law Abiding Citizen finally. Pretty interesting film, gotta love Gerard Bulter. Although some parts were predictable, they were still quite entertaining. I would of wished for everyone to die in the end, but that's just my own morbid opinion.

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