Christmas was good, not spectacular but luckily not dramatic either. It was much better than last Christmas which had some awkwardness, well no, I got ambushed with the presence of my mother and was not so happy about that. This year my mother was involved but things are getting better but I have yet to discuss some important things with her. I got a watch, a couple cool shirts and some money. My friend also created an awesome scarf and a case for my camera which she is borrowing right now. I can't wait for school to start and then I'll have a bit more money to spare on gifts I'd like to give to my friends.
My Dad is leaving town for the weekend and now I'm torn between spending time all alone in my own house and time alone at my friends' apartment. Ah, the choices!
Of the many dreams I had this morning I had one in which my hair was growing out and it was getting longer and longer in the dream. It must of been a little past my shoulder at some point and then towards the end of the dream it was down past the middle of my back. It was all just black and bright red like it is now but the placement of the color was different. And since my hair was rapidly getting longer it wasn't really dreads anymore either. There were a few red dreads in the front of my face, that look just like they do now, dread bangs I guess. It looked so fucking awesome. This was a dream that I never saw through my own eyes, so I could see myself the whole time. I pretty much looked completely different. I don't recall my face but my body was thinner, less thick and less curvaceous and I may have been taller. But the hair was so fucking sexy! When I woke up I was a bit disappointed that it was only a dream. Heh, that's the second time I have dreamt about having long hair in the past month. Interesting.
I really want to see Sherlock Holmes, maybe tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow.
Oh, and all that double jointedness I was talking about, well I discussed that with my family yesterday and we can all do it. My brother, my cousin, my aunt, my mom, and myself can all bend our thumbs at a right angle. My coworker can, but she also has the hitchhikers thumb. So I guess it's a little less uncommon than I thought. But it still stands that I have freakishly long thumbs.
I currently have a cough, it's a little annoying because as when I always have a cough I cough when I laugh and I laugh a lot. So it's a retarded little cycle.
I'm pretty much ready for winter to be over, as I mentioned before I dislike wearing layers of clothing and I dislike wearing those layers of clothing pretty much all the time. My house is freezing so I have no break from clothing whatsoever which in turn causes my skin to break out. I need air damnit!
So I also wanted to take this time to ramble about little facts about myself since I have not necessarily purposely done this in a long time.
I hate coffee with the utmost passion. The smell and taste will never be something for me to get used to, its repulsion to me is always full force.
I love things that are warm. As I realized while rereading my previous post about how I hate winter. However, I prefer beverages with the exception of hot cocoa to be cold as possible. Which makes it hard for me to drink red wine sometimes. I love the wine, absolutely, but I don't like drinks at room temperature.
I mostly sleep on my right side and stomach.
I enjoy dancing and singing when I'm alone.
My brother and I have interesting birth dates. Mine is 11-4, his is 4-11.
I like wearing underwear.
I don't really have guilty pleasures. It's quite easy for me to admit the "weird" things about myself. But who I admit those things to, is a different story.
I'm insecure about things that the general public aren't necessarily insecure about and thus confident about things that they are not.
My anger is the only thing that I definitely never reveal to others. I very much keep my intense emotions to myself for the sake of not bringing those around me down. Sadness I will show, but still with some sort of distance and even light heartedness. Being around others is the time for me to have fun, therefore I tend to keep a lot inside. Which is not necessarily a good thing. Also, whatever intense emotion I have, whether it be anger or jealousy, I usually will not act on it either. So it is hidden or very much muffled. Sometimes I think I just let nature take it's course.
I may not be religious but I still talk to the dead. I have this strange fascination with the dead, obviously, and I feel like they are watching. But then again, I wonder if it's really that I deeply wish they were watching. Which leads me to admit something that no one really knows. I have some sort of fantasy of watchfulness. As far back as I can remember I've always felt like the people in the posters on my wall could see me, or that someone was outside my windows watching me. And that person could be a stranger or whoever I fancied at that period of time. I would hope that if someone was watching me, they would see my true self and would love everything about me. This is something I wrote down in my phone awhile back ago: "When I'm interested in someone. I show it by looking at them, by watching them intently and I am often disappointed when that same watchfulness is not reciprocated. I usually find myself captivated by people/men who play roles in films that stare intently and lovingly at the girl they want/love. I love it!" I may watch/stare at a person when they aren't paying attention. And usually when people do watch me, I often act like I don't notice, and I think I do it because I like it and I don't want them to stop. Well there's my confession for the day.
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