Time to clear out all the random notes I've kept in my phone to write about later. It is finally later.

Spiders, I think they are absolutely amazing. My front door is crowded with a handful of spiders and their beautiful webs. None of us want to kill them nor destroy their webs. They don't bother us, we don't bother them. I think about them every time I go out the door, yet I always forget to write about this. About how astonishing their webs are. Do you ever think about it? How intricate, time consuming, and purposeful they are. It's amazing and I have so much respect for spiders. I really do.

Hotel rooms, watching TV in them is completely different. You see annoying stupid commercials but you don't mind, because you're in a different town and the commercials [most of them] are different. It's amazing how even the TV makes you feel like you're anywhere but home. It's nice.

A few weeks ago, while visiting a Halloween store with a friend I had a random idea of how incredibly awesome it would be to have some sort of anatomical museum in your home. My future house [if I'm rich] will have a hallway lined with skeletal pieces, like my very own
Body World. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Another house decor idea I had was that regarding seashells. I've never agreed with having a yard of grass, especially in Arizona. It's beautiful, yes, but takes work. I have no intentions of taking care of a yard, none. However, instead of gravel, seashells will line my yard, my planters, my walkways. I'll never leave that beach that I feel connected to.

I have watched a bit of Æon Flux with some friends in the past few months and I'm quite captivated by it, especially these overwhelmingly obvious instances of Scorpionicness. It also makes me happy inside. But I wanted to mention a quote that has stuck with me since I heard it. Nothing too deep, but I just like it. Æon was in yet another conflict with Trevor, in which he was going to do something to her or capture her, whatever it was that involved her living but bowing down to his control, she said, "Naturally, I prefer to be dead." Love it.

I don't know why but I find myself fascinated with the balding head of the guy who sits next to me in one of my classes.

I have realized that since I have had dreads, I get somewhat
less compliments on my hair. I still get them nonetheless. But I find it interesting that people, specifically the older population, who once made comments, do so less. Straight natural hair is what people like. I take this consensus from my work, where I come into contact with several older ladies. At least there are still those who absolutely love it. To conclude, I find it interesting, and I'm also glad to have somewhat less questions and comments about my hair. If I am complimented, especially by the older folks, I take it as a better compliment than those who had commented my straight hair...if that makes sense. Maybe it's dread intimidation, or people think I'm dirty. Woo!

I have seen quite a few Woody Allen films, especially those with Scarlett Johansson and one day a thought sprouted in my mind. What is up with Allen's obsession with affairs and romantic entanglements? They are always present in some shape or form. But then, as writing this, I must have the same fascination, for I've seen all these films. Heh. Just something I wanted to point out.

Two Sundays ago I went driving with my grandparents. On the side of the road I noticed a family holding out cups and signs that said "DONATIONS FOR FUNERAL." I was instantly saddened, for I have two major points to make about this. One, that shows you how bad this economy is. Two, that shows you how fucked up the funeral/death business/process is. I don't want to get into this, again.

While reading Perfume, I came across a particular instance in which I was reminded of vampirism. He had smelled the most amazing scent that he had to, with all his will, keep his composure. To control his heart rate, to hold his weight, to stop himself from taking action. It made me enjoy this book so much more. Damn vampires.

Skin color is an adaptation. And it is beautiful.

The word of the past couple weeks is "Selfish." I have realized that, especially in my childhood, I have surrounded myself with nothing but selfish people. No one gave a shit.

I have seen two bumper stickers recently that have stuck in my mind. "If you don't like the way I drive, then you can punch yourself in the face." And, "Real men love Jesus."
I have nothing left to say for now.
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