Work wasn't too bad. Drama girl worked but still said absolutely nothing to me. Honestly, I actually kind of like that, except that it irritates me that when I'm trying to do my job she says the most minimal things possible. Whatever. I'm just glad she didn't entirely murder my good mood today. I've been smiling to myself every chance I remind myself of good things said from last night. I feel good, it's nice, refreshing. Someone has told me probably everything I've ever wanted to hear that I don't even know what to do about it. I'm not used to this, but it damn hell is nice that someone acknowledges and appreciates things about me. And not just that but doing so only after meeting me a few times. That's pretty amazing. I love my friends at the moment as well. Life is good. Of course I don't mean that I don't love my friends at other times, I'm just in a place where every friend matters and is worth keeping and I'm eternally grateful for their presence in my life. I wish I had all the time in the world to see them more, maybe I'll clone myself! Totally!
Tonight I'm going to First Fridays, and this time I'm gonna enjoy it, damnit! I went once, a few years ago with an ex boyfriend who was mostly concerned with finding a drum circle, and failing, and then really only paying attention to the music there. I personally would of like to see some art thank you, and a lot of it.

I'm hungry.
I want a list like this!!'
Oh, and I've been neglecting to say, in fear of jinxing, that Sparky has been doing good. Yeah, I said jinxing. No additional seizures since the second one. I'll have to post a cute picture of him soon.
1 comment:
: ) you are just too adorable!! Guess who is at my casa?? Hope you have an awesome time tonight!!
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