My phone broke the other night so I've been trying to get used to a completely new one. Need to remaster my texting skills. So those who text me, bear with me and my possible future unorganization. I now have the Palm Treo, thanks to my lovely friend. It's pretty damn awesome and there's so much to it that I don't know what to do with myself. There's a lot of features I have to ignore due to extra charges but it has a touch screen and pure awesomeness. This is the most advanced phone I've ever had, it's exciting. I haven't talked on it yet, I tried calling my friend the other day but only got to her voicemail. From what I could hear, I think I can hear better on it. There seems to be no interference or any annoying horrible buzzing and beepings that accompany cell phones and hearing aids.
So yea, I think that's all I really had to write for now. I'm most likely forgetting something...oh well.
Oh, I'm glad that the only food I know how to cook just happens to be my favorite. Good old spahgetti. Yummy.
Not looking forward to homework. It'll never end.
New Dirty Jobs season starts October 6th!!!!
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