I decided to read a little bit of the book, it's a fast and easy read. Highly informative and simply
true. I honestly suggest that everyone who has their ways of making excuses for a guy they're into but can't seem to get the attention and time they want and deserve from this guy, to pick up a copy of this book. It's so goddamn enlightening. I thought back on all my experiences under the light of this book and learned so much. Even I have done or said these things that these guys do that really means they're just not that into you. I'd like to write some excerpts here from the book, but it is so much better when you read everything from the beginning to the end instead of just parts. So instead, I'll give an example of something I've done. Not too long ago a friend was into me. On top of other reasons I gave him for why I'm not dating him, I told him I "didn't want to ruin our friendship." That line is used in this book, really, those kind of things don't stop a guy from getting what he wants, if he really wants it. After I had said that to him and thought about it more, I did realize I just wasn't that into him. Other examples are that even with friends if I don't make the effort to contact them at all it shows how much I really don't think about them and that I just don't care if we talk or not. There's several old friends of mine that I may run into every now and then and the conversation always ends with "I'll keep in touch," "I'll call/text you," and it never happens. If I wanted it to happen, I would make it happen. Another big topic is "busy," really if someone wants something enough, they can never be too busy to make some effort of getting it. Men like to chase and men love to get what they want. So, if I can think of many things, I, myself have done to not be with someone, I can imagine how others are doing the same to me. It is simple. "Busy" translates to "Asshole" according to the book. Now, I'm pretty busy but the fact is, even if I'm too busy to see friends I still have the time to contact them in some way and in that I let them know when I can see them. I usually hold my word and I make sure that my busy schedule away from them is not taken personally. I'm trailing off and my head is getting slightly dizzy.
I wanted to give some background information though. Like I said in a previous post, the man who wrote this book was a consultant for the series Sex and the City. This book was born out of a meeting session which lead to an episode, you may have seen it, called "Pick-A-Little, Talk-A-Little." This is where Berger tells Miranda that the guy is just "not that into her" and she is refreshed with the knowledge and wants to spread it to others. This is explained a bit in the book. Ah, just get it already!!
1 comment:
I know I know..and I completely agree! Doesn't matter how busy you are..if you're reallllly into someone, you'll make the time. I've been telling myself to stop making excuses..now it's just time to listen.
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