

Luckily the grocery store next to my work decided to reorganize their refrigerated soda/drinks section and put Jones Soda there. You know what that means? They're cold! Jones Soda is probably one of my favorite drinks, specifically the cream soda, for many years. I even joined the damn website and obsessively uploaded photos to get accepted to put on their bottles. Yeah, that was crazy. Anyways, I've been buying a bottle every day that I work and two particularly interesting quotes put under the cap are going to be shared with you today.
The first said, "Hide for a few days." It made me laugh, for I've never seen the use of underline, bold, or italics for their quotes.
The next one, well apparently I need a bottle cap to tell me this, "You have artistic talent. Do something creative." I kept that one, maybe I'll literally do something creative with the cap itself. I'll show them!

Since I've started this, I'm going to continue it with fortune cookie quotes I've saved over the years. I've been meaning to do this, however I won't repeat them all today but some good ones. Be warned of some dirtyness.
"You are eager to share yourself and your possessions" -in bed!
"Good fortune is coming to you" -in bed!
"A friend's success will benefit you" -in bed!
"Be adventuresome, try a new look" -in bed! Like I haven't already!
"You are admired for your adventurous ways" -in bed!
"You have an unusual magnetic personality" -in bed!
"Impulsiveness where money is concerned, is not your style" -in bed!
"An enjoyable vacation is awaiting you" -in bed!
"Use your charm & personality to obtain your wishes" -in bed!
"The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it" -in bed!
"A small gift can bring joy to the whole family" -in bed! Alright!
"You have the ability to excel in untried areas" -in bed!! Hells yes!
Hehe, I'm done for now.

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