Today, I had lunch with my ex-boyfriend's mom and sister. It was great! It wasn't even close to being bad, in fact seeing them felt like no time has passed at all. It was just like old times [even though it wasn't even that long ago]. I felt very at ease and not awkward at all. We talked a lot about my ex, mostly bashing on him pretty much. They were doing it more than I was, we declared that he scares away the good people in his life. We're gonna have lunch/dinner again some time soon. I'm glad we got together, the talk even proved to be a reminder again of how happy I am not to be with him anymore. Ah, good stuff.
So in regards to my previous semi-drunken post: cigars aren't my friend, nor my enemy. My lungs hurt today and I remedied them with some hookah earlier. I don't know how to not inhale. So I've decided I'm not going to smoke my own whole cigar again. But I'm definitely going back to Magnums, that place is awesome.
I've been having this on and off craving to watch 40 Days and 40 Nights. Kind of weird, but I do.
This week has been pretty good, I'm excited to sleep in tomorrow and enjoy the day off with my dad and possibly my nazi grandma [the latter I am not excited about]. Next week should be pretty sweet too.

Watched a live John Mayer dvd today, his songs have been stuck in my head all day. I've been playing my mental guitar for hours upon hours now. Don't you think we oughta know by now... Don't you think we shoulda learned somehow...
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