

Being in young adulthood and knowing people around my age or older, I finally understand why adults disappoint me so much. Well, fact aside that I have idealized and idolized them when I was younger. It is the people at this very age, in young adulthood, that never change. Never grow. They just stay the same and succeed in pissing me off on a day to day basis. I got it now.

1 comment:

Ahab said...

Most people of any age are like that and will always disappoint you. Over the years I've had to let a lot of old friends go because they didn't grow, change or evolve since I knew them in HIGH SCHOOL! See why I'm so picky about people? Some people are just scabs and should be treated as such. If your life isn't better for having them in it, bye-bye. One of my favorite quotes? "All men are assholes, all women are bitches"-my mom