
Plutonium Dreams

I realized a week ago some very eerie cool connection. There's an older post, "Vacation" in which I wrote about my little trip to Flagstaff and visited the Lowell Observatory. There's a picture of me next to a vertical sign that has glyphs for the planets. At the top of this sign Pluto was the first glyph listed in it's original style [planetary glyphs have at least 2 different versions] Pluto is obviously listed first because it was discovered at that observatory in 1930. Anyways, part of my fascination with that sign is the fact that it is very similar to tattoos that I have on my calves. Now, the tattoos I got were inspired by a dream, except looked a little different and were placed somewhere else. In the dream, I had the glyphs going down my spine and at the very top was Pluto, just how it is on this sign. The glyphs were larger too, but not all of them were there. I just vividly remembered Pluto at the top. My actual tattoos are represented in a more logical order and pertaining to astrology rather than astronomy. In other words some of the glyphs you see in the sign are not the same as on my legs [variation in the symbol is part of the reasoning] But on my calf it starts with the sun, moon, and every planet in order from distance from the sun, excluding earth. Pluto is represented in the more modern version, which I like better. It is also red to highlight the planet that rules my sign, Scorpio. You may notice that Mars is outlined in red because it was the traditional ruler of Scorpio before Pluto was discovered. So it is now considered the co-ruler.
Ah, I love astrology and I especially love the very few people in my life that will listen to me ramble about it for hours. Those are true moments where I am myself.

1 comment:

Brittany Butler said...

i love that you went into detail about this. i really adore your leg tatts so thanks for the this post.