

There's two parts to them. One in which I do not believe in.
"a diagram of the heavens, showing the relative position of planets and the signs of the zodiac, for use in calculating births, foretelling events in a person's life, etc."
Calculating birth charts, I do that, I understand that. But what most people with lesser knowledge of astrology see horoscopes as predictions, I don't believe in. I don't read them nor care for them. However, every year I buy a specific calendar, an astrology one. It tells me what phase the moon is in, and never fails. Tells me where the Sun is on the ecliptic, and also has a monthly horoscope for each sign. So far I actually still like the horoscopes offered with these calendars. This month particularly stood out to me:
"Venus and Mars smile on Scorpios, who could take a "go-between" role seriously. The Full Moon could find you taking on more than you want. Say not now, is gentler than saying no."

That last line sums up a very current prominent matter for me.

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