
Update on Discrimination at Work

To add more to my previous blog about an issue I'm having about a coworker saying inappropriate things about my hearing condition. I haven't talked to my manager yet, which I will tomorrow, so I don't know how the talk went between her and my coworker. But I did talk to my other coworker who had to work with him last night after the talk. Apparently he complained the whole time about getting "yelled" at about it, and keeps saying that he was joking. He complained about having a bad day, boo fucking hoo! HE had a bad day?! Well shit, better put this all aside because he is the center of everything that exists. He is selfish and doesn't listen to a word people say to him. This guy is an adult and needs to learn that his jokes are not fucking funny or even close. My poor coworker had to keep telling him that what he did was wrong and that he needs to apologize to me, not to her or my manager. He said that he would supposedly apologize to me but it may take time because I must be pissed. Which I believe the next time I'll ever see him is Wednesday. I thought about it for a bit and if he does decide to apologize, I am not forgiving or accepting it. I will not forgive myself for letting this pass if I do. I'm thinking of telling him that I believe he'll never understand what he has done and the damage he has caused. I seriously do not believe, knowing him, he understands the situation here. He's oblivious and he is a child. He should learn not to trust the people he says these things to, it all just ends up biting him back in the ass. Karma's a bitch right? I love karma. I have not done anything to this man, I don't discriminate because he is gay or anything of the likes, I don't do anything to him. I don't deserve this kind of ignorance. Is he afraid of me, is that why he has made me into a joke? This is pure bullshit and I am still angry. Angry in the sense that this will not be let go easily. I have no intentions to punch him or scream stupid things at him, I'm not that kind of angry. I am simply enforcing the idea that this is not okay and not a joking matter. He tried denying it and saying that he never talks crap about people. Ha! My coworker told him that that is all he ever does. He later agreed, but we'll see what his next mood will make him say on a different day.

He has done repetitive acts of discrimination and I will not tolerate it, and the workplace should not either.

I just feel like I should be doing more. Nothing about this feels right.

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