

I'm obsessed with the senses and lately very interested in how people, animals, and other creatures all use their senses and which ones they do and do not have as well. As of last night I found out for the first time that snakes are deaf, I had no clue. There's always that cliche or whatever of snakes moving to the whistle of a man, but really it's his movement they are attracted to. So I want to start a mini list of interesting facts of random animals and their senses or lack thereof.

Snakes: Deaf/poor hearing
Two-Toed Sloths: poor hearing
Ferrets: poor hearing
Salmon: poor hearing
Red-Eared Slider: poor hearing
Elephant Seals: better hearing underwater than above water, the key is they hear in both
Marine Invertebrates: all have organs which read vibrations made by sound, but don't necessarily hear them
Deer and Elks: better hearing than humans, but poor compared to cats

Shrews: poor hearing and eyesight, not to mention that I want one

Also most insects excluding Orthoptera (crickets, grasshoppers, katydids), Homoptera (cicadas), Heteroptera (bugs), Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), and Diptera (flies) are deaf.
Of course all these animals listed and more make up for their lack of hearing with their other senses which are usually more keener than other animals who relay on particular senses more than others.

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